

We want you to customize and make your NodCard your own by allowing you to customize certain aspects of your NodCard. On clarity of what's possible, please refer below.


Button Shape

  1. Square -> Square buttons have sharp edsges
  2. Slightly Rounded -> These buttons don't have sharp corners and just subtly curved.
  3. Rounded -> These buttons have nice curved edges.
  4. Circle -> These buttons are fully rounded to form a circle/dot.

Button Type

  1. Ghost -> Ghost buttons have no background or fill.
  2. Outline -> Outline buttons have no fill, just an outline of your primary color.
  3. Fill -> Fill buttons have a solid background of your primary color.]


  1. Primary Color -> Brand your NodCard with your primary brand color.
  2. Text Color -> Set the text colour of all text elements.
  3. Content Background Color -> set the content background color.


  • You can control how the content is positioned on your NodCard with the choice of left, right or center.
  • You can target desktop and mobile separately to ensure you have the best placement on either screen size.

Image Alignment

You can customize the image alignment or focal point. This comes in handy when you want to keep a face in view as the screen size changes and depending on the image size you uploaded, it might cut off. You can target desktop and mobile separately to ensure you have the best placement on either screen size.